Chain Reaction Strength Revolution

A comprehensive 12-week strength-training program that nobody wants but every cyclist needs. Your key to adding strength training without decreasing ride time.

Maximize Your Results While Minimizing Your Time in the Gym.

As cyclists, we hate weightlifting.

We hate it because it’s time off our bikes

We hate it because we don’t know what to do.

We hate it because we’re not sure if we’re doing the right stuff.

When we train, we know sprints make us better at riding fast. Climbing makes us better at climbing. Working on technical skills makes us better at riding techy stuff.

When it comes to the gym, we don’t know which exercises are going to help us the most. And if we don’t know what’s going to be most helpful, we’re not going to waste our time trying. Especially not when we could be on the bike instead.

This program is curated to specifically benefit cyclists. Leveraging my expertise as a competitive cyclist, bike fitter, and physical therapist, I have designed a program that will get you the results in the gym with as little time spent there as possible.

Why I created The Chain Reaction Strength Revolution

When I was a competitive cyclist, I raced at a national level for several years and was training 15-20 hours on the bike. It took my coach two years to convince me to add weight lifting to my training. And when I did, I had the best season of my life.

Then I went to PT school, where I worked in hospitals and skilled nursing facilities and had to be able to lift patients that weighed 3x my weight. Being strong was imperative to be able to do that.

I am now a clinic owner and full-time practicing clinician. It’s easier for me to spend 40 minutes in the gym than 2 hours on the bike. So I strength train during the week to maintain my fitness so that when I do get to ride on the weekends, I don’t feel like I’ve lost as much fitness.

Weight training keeps me healthy. It prevents injury, it helps me maintain fitness, and it keeps me strong.


I freaking hate it.

As athletes, we are all familiar with doing things that that we don’t like, that are uncomfortable, and that just plain suck, because in the end we know it will benefit our body and our performance.

That’s why I developed the Chain Reaction Strength Revolution to make the work in the gym as effective, efficient, and powerful as possible. Anything that is extraneous, not 100% effective, or doesn’t directly relate to making you stronger on your bike is not found in this program.

I designed this program to maximize your results in the gym by minimizing the time you have to spend there.

The Promise:

Using my experience of 1000s of hours on the bike, 9 years of bike fitting expertise, 8 years of physical therapy experience, and over 100 hours of continuing education, I have created the Chain Reaction Strength Revolution 12-week program for cyclists.

During these 12 weeks you will:

Learn how to implement an efficient and effective strength training program to increase muscle, increase strength, and keep you healthy and strong on and off the bike.

Have a repeatable training program that minimizes time spent weight lifting and maximizes results.

Feel confident in implementing a routine that is straightforward, doable, and will help you improve on the bike, not leave you too tired, too confused, or too time-poor to actually ride.

Week 1 preview

What you can expect from the Chain Reaction Strength Revolution:

  • Accessibility: Downloadable program designed to be performed in 40 minutes, 2-3x/week.

  • Specificity: A specific and effective strength training program that provides you with the exact exercises, sets, and reps

  • Efficiency: A weight lifting program designed to maximize your gains while minimizing your time spent in the gym.

How Chain Reaction Strength Revolution Works

You will be provided with a structured workout program curated specifically for cyclists and designed to be performed 2-3x/week for 40 minutes. This program is designed to take you from not knowing what to do in the gym, to being confident that you are doing the most productive strength training to improve strength on and off the bike.

What’s Actually Included

Comprehensive Strength Training Exercises
Exercises delivered via PDF format and are yours forever – accessible on your phone, on your computer, or you can print out your own hard copy. Available in whichever way you learn best!


In-Depth Videos and Descriptions
So you can have confidence in your form when performing the exercises.

Specific Sets and Reps
Exercise dosing specifically for muscle growth, strength gain, and performance so that you aren’t wasting time doing extra unnecessary sets and reps

Science-backed progressions so you aren’t doing the same thing for 12 weeks.

Chain Reaction Strength Revolution Layout

  • Week-by-week PDFs of exercises routines with specific sets and reps

  • Over the 12-week period, progressions are provided to ensure variety and continued strength gain

  • The curriculum will include education on which muscles are being targeted and why, so that you have a good understanding of the application and reasoning behind the program

Meet the creator of Chain Reaction Strength Revolution, Dr. Jessie Duppler PT, DPT

I own Chain Reaction Physical Therapy based in Prescott, Arizona, where I provide elite physical therapy to cyclists. Prior to going to PT school, I was a competitive cyclocross racer and bike fitter in New England. When not on the bike, I worked as a surgical technologist, lifting patients and spending 12-14 hours on my feet.

I have seen first-hand the importance of weight lifting in my career in the operating room, as a physical therapist, and as a cyclist. I also hate being in the gym and would much rather be on my bike. I consistently spend three days a week strength training for 40 minutes because I know it makes me a stronger human now, sets me up for success in life, and keeps me fast on the bike.

I created the Chain Reaction Strength Revolution to provide guidance and confidence to other cyclists like me who hate the strength training and want effective and efficient workouts that are going to show up as results on and off the bike.

This is the first time I’ve run the Chain Reaction Strength Revolution, so I don’t have testimonials on the program yet. But read below to see what people say about working with me in other capacities:

The Chain Reaction Strength Revolution is for cyclists who:

  • Don’t know what to do in the gym.

  • Don’t want to waste time doing exercises that aren’t specifically going to help them get stronger on and off the bike.

  • Hate weight lifting

  • Don’t really know what exercises, sets, or reps to do in order to build muscle and strength.

You’ve got questions, I’ve got answers

  • Nope! You will need some dumbbells. Typically, a few pairs between the range of 20-40 lbs is sufficent for most people. I buy mine at Dick’s Sporting Goods, Amazon, or Craigslist.

  • You will need a small variety of barbells in order to apprpriately load and gain muscle mass. Most people will benefit from having 10, 20, and 35-45 lb barbells. I always recommend going to your local sporting good store and trying a few squats with some different weights to see how they feel. The weight should be heavy enough that it is challenging to perform 8-12 reps of the exercise.

  • This program is a 12-week program. Research shows it takes 6-12 weeks to create muscle growth. It doesn’t mean you won’t see strength gains before then (you will), but it does mean that in order for the program to be effective as possible, it needs to give the body appropriate time to build muscle mass. Otherwise, it’s like stopping a round of antibiotics sort; you don’t get the full effect of the course.

  • The routine itself is 40 minutes long designed to be done 2x (during race season) or 3x (during the off season) per week.

  • Research shows muscle hypertrophy (muscle growth) requires consistent lifting, 2-3x/week. This program is designed to be performed 3x/week during off season and base season, and 2x/week during race season.

  • You will have your 12-week program delivered by PDF directly to your inbox. This allows you to save it to your phone, computer, or print out a hard copy. There will also be links to videos for every exercise so that you have visual references for everything prescribed.

  • This program doesn’t focus on getting you stronger. It focuses on getting you stronger in the least amount of time and effort as possible. As a cyclist, I know how much time riding takes, and how little time that leaves for any other phyical exercise. I created this program to ensure results while also ensuring you minimize your time spent strength training

  • First, see above when it comes to the logistics of the program and why that’s great for cyclists.

    Second, the program exercises themselves were selected to help you generate the most power in a flexed hip position (how we ride bike). It targets spinal strength, glute, quad, and hamstring coordination and force production to make you more efficient and stronger on the bike and off.

  • Short answer? Yes! The main drive behind creating this program was to provide a fast and efficient workout fo people that don’t like being in the gym. It is specific to cyclists because it targets the muscles that cyclists use most. But, good news - a lot of those are the same muscles we all use when running, walking, and living our daily lives. So even if you don’t ride a bike but want to get stronger without spending hours lifting, this program is also a good fit for you.

  • Forever! The information is downloadable onto your preferable device, where it is yours to access at any ime.

I understand you don’t want to be weight lifting. I don’t either. The unfortunate truth is that after the age of 30, we lose 10% of our muscle mass every decade. That means every single human needs to be doing some sort of strength training program, especially as we age and especially if we want to be riding bikes into our 80s. For those of us that not want only keep riding but keep getting faster and stronger, strength training becomes even more non-negotiable. That’s why I designed this program specifically to give you back as much time as possible on the bike, while giving you the strength results you want.

You don’t like strength training. I don’t either.

If you’ve been avoiding strength training because you don’t want to, you don’t know what to do, or you don’t want to take time away from riding, this is your chance to get access to a program that is effective, efficient, and going to help you both on and off the bike.

This is your shot to enroll at this price. It will increase on March 11th.

I hate weight lifting.

I do it anyway.

I hope you will too.

The Price


This program gives you access to programing for an entire 12 weeks, with informational material and videos so that there’s never any guess-work involved.

To put this into perspective:

  • A gym membership is $18-50/month, but presents the same problem that my cyclists cite in that they still don’t know what to do once they get there.

  • The Chain Reaction Strength Revolution program is delivered right to your inbox and can be done at home with some free weights. That saves you the time of driving to the gym, endlessly searching YouTube for exercises, and the anguish of wondering if they’re even the right things to do.

  • A personal trainer is typically $50/hour. If you were to apply that to the number of sessions provided within the Strength Revolution, that’s would equal the value of $1,800

  • A physical therapy session with me is $180/hour. This is a way for me to provide strengthening information (which is also incredibly important when it comes to physical therapy) at a low-cost price that is accessible to everyone and yours forever. That is equivocal to a value of $2,160.

    That’s a savings of $2,013 for this program. That’s a pretty dang good deal.

    I offer the Strength Revolution at this price because I truly believe that strength training is so incredibly important for all of us as we grow older. I know we’re already resistant to doing it, so I want to make this information as accessible as possible for as many people as possible.

Got more questions? Email and we'll get back to you ASAP.